Since its conception, Encode SA. has assumed a commitment with our society, with our homeland, that engine is what has driven us to dream and build beyond the ordinary limits of a company, because we not only think in profitability, we think in expansion and growth of our community, and social assistance to the neediest.
Fundación Encode provides financial and strategic support
and strategic support to solidarity organizations
that share its principles.
Foundation dedicated to the promotion of young people in socially vulnerable situations. The entity reaches out to young people and adolescents between 16 and 35 years old who live in different neighborhoods of Córdoba.
A glass
of milk
A proposal for community development, solidarity and volunteer work aimed at combating child malnutrition in the city of Cordoba and its surroundings.
Public welfare ONG oriented to promote
the full inclusion of people with disabilities
and people from marginalized sectors
of society such as children and
adolescents in socially vulnerable
Supports and accompanies people with Down Syndrome, generating new spaces and free activities for their psychomotor and social development, betting on an inclusive future in all areas.
Workshops for the Disabled Cordoba. Manufacture of elements for the disabled at no cost (wheelchairs).
It covers poor neighborhoods (Bº Carcano, El Quebracho, San Lucas, Mi hogar I, Las Magdalenas, Coronel Olmedo), the gardens of km. 10 and 10 and a half, the Zocavones of KM 12, Cortaderos and Apiaderos of Km. 14 and 16.
At Fundación Encode we are constantly on the move.
Our mission is to promote an inclusive future with opportunities for all.
We celebrate Christmas in our foundation
Games, flavours and gifts… this is how we celebrate Christmas with the families of our “One child, one smile” kitchen.
August. Children's month
Throughout August and the days that run through September, we continue working for our children during the month of childhood.
End of the year with Love and Dignity
Throughout the year our Foundation works to foster and promote the quality of life of vulnerable sectors through collaborations with soup kitchens, parishes and organizations such as Fundación Empate and Cilsa, among others.
Children's Day
As every year in the month of childhood, we deepen our commitment to our children. This time the celebration was held at the SuperPark. It was a wonderful day, full of joy and laughter.
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